8 proven ways to add happiness to your lives

Happiness is what we all sentient beings strive for in our lives. On a daily basis, we tend to do actions that would in turn jubilate us directly or indirectly. The attached importance to this construct of your mind is so enormous that many philosophers both from ancient and contemporary times have proffered theories that were both plausible and implausible.

But, to submerge into the philosophical aspect and the validity of this emotion is not the intent here. Rather, we endeavor to reach out to the general notion of happiness and seek out the ways through which this state of mind can better be clinched. 

Subjectiveness and objectiveness of happiness

Happiness, as a term, is vague, as there is no line that can be drawn between being happy and non-happy. However, the analytical definition of the term would include good feeling, satisfaction, eudemonia or good spirit, etc. 

For most of the part, happiness remains subjective as what makes me happy might not work for you or vice versa. But, does that mean it lacks objectivity, well, no because if it did then the whole purpose of phycology and neuroscience in studying its various facets would be defeated. 

Here are the 8 ways through which we can lead a happy life which is warranted by science as well.

  1. Eating nutritious food
A study conducted at Deakin University in Australia by renewed food researcher Felice Jacka involved 67 subjects, suffering from depression. They were divided into two groups. The first group was required to change their dietary habits and replace them with a nutritious one, whereas the second group was offered social support as a cure for their depression stemming from loneliness. After 12 weeks it was found that the group which changed their eating patterns was much happier relative to the group that received one on one support.

This shows us the enormity of dietary practices that if inculcated into daily schedules can change your life for the better. 

Moreover, eating a balanced diet consisting of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals and macronutrients such as protein and complex carbohydrates results in the release of dopamine, the mood-elevating hormone, and norepinephrine energy providing hormone.

  1. Working out those muscles

Exercising can make you feel good in two ways. Firstly when supplemented with a protein replete diet, you will witness changes that would build up your physique, enhance your body posture, and therefore, overall appearance. Secondly, the very act of working out also releases dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, contributing to a good mood consequently.

A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found from its test subjects that people who got in their daily dose of exercise, felt well regardless of any major muscular change in their bodies.
  1. Building healthy social relationships

It is a well-established fact that there is no greater joy than sharing even a morsel of your success with your close ones.

Being around people that we care for is one of the major sources of our happiness. Moreover, the difference between our intimate bonds and objects is that the happiness offered by these relationships is not mitigated by hedonistic adaption, which is the tendency of humans to spring back to their original state of neutral and stable levels of happiness.

  1. Be more productive

There seems to be a correlation between being productive and being happy. 

This was also suggested in a study run by Oxford University’s Saiid Business School, where a total of 1800 workers were tracked over their personal feelings of happiness and it was found that happy workers were 13% more productive.

Keeping aside the business aspect, a person who is productive for most hours of the day tends to have that satisfactory feeling from his life, which as we discussed earlier is the corollary of happiness. 

Productive activity can involve anything that hones a particular skill or hobby and adds value to your existence, be it learning music, singling, dancing, reading books, practicing sports, etc. 

  1. Maintain a proper sleep cycle

A good sleeping cycle, which ideally should consist of 8 hours, invigorates and bolster your mindset and thereby determine your conduct for the rest of your day.

Recent times have shown a growing inclination in adult populations to deviate towards truncated sleeping schedules. This impropriety is undoubtedly debilitating and is an infringement to good health, proper brain functioning, and overall mental and emotional well-being.

An experiment was conducted by walker on sleep- deprived college students. They were assigned a task to memorize a list of certain words. As it turned out about, they could remember about 81 percent of the words smacking of a negative connotation, like cancer while the percentage of words having positive connotation was just 31 percent.
  1. Listen to music

Music is not just a rhythmic stream of notes but also a therapeutic experience for those coming to its refuge. The dopamine factor kicks in while listening to music which in turn can alleviate your mood and dispel anxiety. It is also responsible for the release of the hormone cortisol that militates against stress and increases the overall level of happiness and joy.

In a study, it was revealed that the volitional listening to upbeat music improved the moods and overall levels of happiness of the subjects in a matter of 2 weeks. Later a separate group was instructed to try out a different genre of music but couldn’t find it endearing. 
  1. Helping others as much as allowed

Aiding or helping other people in even a minute of their activities is nothing but a maxim. On a ground reality, you must have gone through the same experience. The slightest act of kindness a day can awash you with a sense of satisfaction and their response to your help can move your heart in an unimaginable way. Be it an utterance of a simple Thank you! Or a proffered reward, it is deemed to give you pleasure.

study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh in the US has revealed that helping other lead to an activation of a neural pathway that bolsters our well- being and happiness. It also obliquely activates the certain region of the bran which is linked with parental care behaviors.
  1. Mediation

Mediation is one of the most effective tools when it comes to making you happy and perhaps the most underused as well.

Regardless, its benefits are not obscure and involve soothing of the nervous system, augmented focus, oxygen flow, confidence, helps you unite with your actual self, get rids of anxiety and improve the coping mechanism.

A study conducted in Massachusetts General Hospital revealed by looking at the brain scans of 16 people in the duration of 8 weeks that those indulging in mindful mediation throughout the course, had parts of brain linked with compassion and self-awareness increased while parts linked with stress mitigated. 


All of these 8 ways can help you add some element of happiness in your lives, but happiness is a broad concept and can’t be confined to just these ways. 

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