Keep Warm This Winter with These Effective Yoga Poses

What better way to remain in shape and stay warm this winter than with some yoga? Learn about some yoga asanas you can do at home to stay warm during winter.

The northern winters are bitterly cold, leaving you yearning for warmth and brightness. There’s nothing like snuggling up in a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate. You might be astonished to learn that yoga can come to your rescue this season, especially if wearing numerous layers and going to work is your only option. Many of us are aware of the health advantages of yoga and how different asanas can help with the treatment of various ailments, but you might be shocked to learn that some of these asanas can really help to keep you warm in this bitterly cold climate so that you don’t shiver as much. We’ve compiled a list of some yoga asanas that you can do this winter to stay warm without wearing numerous clothes.

About Yoga:

Yoga is a fitness and meditation program with several intellectual, physiological, and devotional benefits. Yoga is not only a great way to lose weight, but it is also a therapeutic science that can offer that extra layer of warmth you need in the winter. This is ideal for individuals who can’t stand the cold in the winter. Keep yourself healthy and warm this holiday season with the following yoga asanas.

This winter, try these yoga asanas to stay warm and fit:

  1. Headstand

Before trying a headstand, one must practice for a long period. Those who can accomplish headstands, on the other hand, are well aware of how much concentration and core engagement are required. During the winter months, a headstand is an ideal pose to keep you warm and powerful. The asana strengthens your whole body while also relieving stress. With the help of a yoga teacher, you can attempt it against a wall.

  1. Boat pose or Navasana

Toning your abdominal and hip flexors is easy with the boat position. It also demands maintaining physical equilibrium. The boat stance can instantly warm you up and is ideal for keeping you warm in the cold. While executing boat posture, you can also try twisting your hands back and forth on either side. Straighten your legs towards the ceiling if you want to feel even more fire. Make sure your lower tummy is tight and your chin is only slightly up. Throughout the workout, lengthen your leg and breathe evenly.

To keep your body warm and receive the various advantages of navasana, or the boat position, follow the techniques below.

  • Take a yoga mat and sit with your legs straight out in front of you on it.
  • Place your hand a few inches behind your hips and press down on them lightly.
  • Fold your legs from the knees in such a way that the distance between your ankle and butt is sufficient.
  • Place your hands under your knees and lean back a little so your back isn’t rounded.
  • Take a deep breath and lift your thigh so that it is at a 45-degree angle.
  • Slowly straighten your knees so that your toes are a little above eye level while balancing yourself.
  • Draw your shoulders back, keeping your spine straight, so that both arms are extended along your legs and parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds, pointing your toes outwards, flexing your heels and keeping your lower tummy firm.
  1. Plank pose

The plank posture, or kumbhakasana, is a balancing & strengthening position. It’s simply a core-strengthening exercise that will help you stay warm during winter. The exercise can help with abs, neck, chest, shoulder, and back strength, as well as posture. A simple plank consists of balancing your body on both elbows and toes while maintaining a straight back and spine. Planks can help you tighten your core and build your abdominal muscles.

One pose that we’ve all done at some point in our lives, even if it wasn’t for the sake of yoga or yogic practices. Plank pose, also known as kumbhakasana, is a four-legged posture with numerous health advantages. Plank pose can help with anything from balance to strength to building and increasing flexibility. We’re all aware of this position and the work it requires, thanks to social media fads and challenges, but no one ever informed us that doing it on a frigid winter morning can keep our bodies warm and prevent us from freezing.

To get the most out of the plank stance and to perform it correctly, follow the steps below:

  • Kneel on a yoga mat for a few minutes.
  • Place your hands in front of you, shoulder-distance apart, with your palms facing the floor.
  • To get onto your toes, take a step back and try to balance yourself.
  • Ensure that your body is in a straight line and that you are not slouching downwards or curling upwards.
  • Take a few slow, deep breaths and hold this position for around 5 breaths before slowly releasing.
  1. Bridge pose

The bridge pose’s backbends can aid in the activation of internal heat. The pose helps to free up the shoulders and chest while also lowering anxiety. You must lie on your back and bend your knees to do a bridge pose. Extend your arms outwards, palms facing down, on the floor. First, lift your pelvis, then your body. Keep your shoulders and head flat on the floor. Make sure your thighs & feet are in line with one another. Try to hold this yoga pose for a minute. Hold the position while taking a deep breath.

  1. Twisted chair pose

This pose is excellent for increasing full-body strength and warming you up from head to toe. Twisting in the pose might aid in body cleansing and detoxification. As you maintain the position, your body temperature progressively rises. For best outcomes, try twisting more deeply and remember to breathe deeply.

  1. Virabhadrasana

Virabhadrasana is a yoga stance that helps to strengthen the shoulders, improve balance and stability, stretch various body parts, improve circulation, and provide energy to the entire body. Because this yoga stance energizes the entire body, it keeps you warm during the cold. Virabhadrasana is a great way to stay warm and avoid shivering this winter season while also giving your body a wonderful stretch. Follow the steps below to do this yoga asana.

  • Standing erect on a yoga mat with your back and neck straight is a good start.
  • Raise your hands into the air and bend forward until your buttocks are pointing up and your hands and feet are flat on the mat.
  • Bring your right foot forward until it is parallel to the ground and in line with your hands.
  • Maintain the position of your right leg such that the thigh is parallel to the ground and the knee is at a 90-degree angle just above the ankle.
  • Make a 45-degree angle with the mat by turning your left foot outwards.
  • Make sure your left knee is straight and apply some pressure on your thigh.
  • Raise your body while lifting your arms so that they are sideways and at the same height as your shoulders.
  • Tilt your head to the right and look at your pelvis while leaning down and applying pressure to it.
  • While taking deep breaths, hold this position for 10 to 15 minutes.
  1. Garudasana

Garud is a Sanskrit word that literally means “eagle,” and asana means “posture,” so garudasana can be translated as “eagle pose.” As the name implies, this posture resembles that of an eagle and can bring a variety of health benefits to your body and help you live a healthy life. This posture is thought to aid in the relaxation and calmness of the mind while also enhancing physical balance. This asana can be very beneficial and useful for supplying warmth to the body, especially during the winter season, because it can be practiced without the use of any equipment. To correctly practice garudasana, or eagle posture, follow the steps below.

  • Keep your feet slightly apart as you stand straight into the mountain position, or tadasana.
  • To ground yourself, place your hands on your hips and press your pelvis down.
  • Begin by elevating your right foot with a slight bend in both knees.
  • Wrap your right leg around your left leg until your left foot is directly behind your right calf.
  • Bring your arms in front of you and wrap your right arm over your left arm in the same way.
  • Raise your elbows to shoulder height while taking slow, deep breaths.
  • Hold this position for 5 breaths before releasing it.
  1. Matsyasana

Supported fish pose, also known as matsyasana, is a yoga posture that relaxes and opens up the upper body, including the neck, shoulders, and back. This posture is helpful for giving warmth and boosting your body’s temperature, as well as soothing the central nervous system.

Here’s how to get the most out of this stance by doing it correctly.

  • Place your legs crossed in front of you and sit upright on a yoga mat.
  • Slowly recline rearward while using your elbows and palms to support your body.
  • Lie flat on your back with your arms clasped at your sides and your hands resting beneath your head.
  • Take several deep breaths and hold this position for about a minute before releasing.

Conclusion: Yoga not only keeps you warm during the winter, but it also has a number of additional health benefits. Practicing these poses first thing in the morning can be extremely good for your overall health and can provide relief from a variety of ailments. To get the most out of these yoga asanas, do them first thing in the morning on a daily basis.

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